Welcome to our resources area of the site. While we hope that you are finding the balance of this site useful, in this information pipeline you will find blog articles, SDS & TDS documents as well as case studies of Impact Fluid's clients.
Inside our blog you will find brief news articles / insights about the metalworking fluid industry, noteworthy happenings at Impact Fluids, and tips / techniques that you may find useful in your own operation.
The SDS (Safety Data Sheets) here are similar to MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) documents except SDS are requires to laid out in a more user-friendly and consistent format. Both the SDS & MSDS include information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical or fluid.
Unlike the SDS, a technical data sheet (TDS), also called a Product Data Sheet, is used for both informational and advertising purposes. From an informational standpoint, a TDS has useful tips about product, such as how to use it, what it is made of, things to be wary of while using the product, and its official name and industry standard specifications. From a marketing standpoint, it may contain pictures and colorful illustrations as well as entire sections describing the benefits that the product will deliver to you, the end user.
Throughout our site, we endeavor to provide useful information about metalworking fluids & technology and the part we play in that industry such that you may make informed decisions about your metalworking operation. Our case studies represent real-world examples of issues that metalworking operations face, how we assisted is remedying those issues, and what benefits and/or cost savings resulted from our solutions.